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A year of impactful change to live with more contentment and ease.
I’ll support, encourage and hold you accountable to turn your back on busyness and overthinking so you can design your days with more space, freedom and joy.


"Every session made me feel lighter, like a weight had been lifted. They were hugely enlightening, really cathartic and I left each one feeling empowered, in control and a lot less overwhelmed."

This is the year you do things differently.


If you’re feeling lost, stuck or simply that your own life is passing you by in a blur of overthinking, busyness and exhaustion, this year-long coaching container can help settle the spinning compass in your mind and allow you to think and act more clearly.


In The Pit-Stop Plan, I’ll create an empathetic and encouraging environment where you’ll have complete permission to feel the way you feel and say what’s been playing on your mind for so long.


You’ll be empowered to discover that positive, sustainable change is within your control and put a plan of action together, built on strong boundaries, helpful habits and simple rhythms so you can make the most of all the opportunities life has to offer.


In the space between sessions, I’ll support you to build the self-awareness and confidence inside you to tune back into your gut feelings, challenge old ways of thinking and make decisions which feel right for you, in every area of your life.


Then we’ll check in with four two-hour sessions – each one a pit-stop pause – spaced equally throughout the year to tweak anything that isn’t working for you, strengthen your focus and energy on what’s important and reset your motivation.


With me in your corner, this restorative, insightful and life-changing programme is designed to challenge you to disrupt the status quo that isn’t working for you, dig deep and step out of your comfort zone towards a life you want to live and be present for.


"I've learnt how to manage my time effectively, not let myself slip to the bottom of the priority pile and finally feel like I'm achieving that ever-elusive balance."

It's for you if...

  • You’re always playing catch-up and feel bogged down by daily life


  • You don’t have the capacity or headspace to think or plan for the long-term


  • Taking care of yourself is at the bottom of the to-do list, if it even makes it on there


  • You feel like you don’t have time to catch your breath, let alone rest or do things you enjoy

  • You’ve lost confidence in your own decisions and spend hours overthinking everyday choices

  • You have healthy intentions until exhaustion kicks in and you don’t follow through

  • You’re so busy doing everything for everyone else that you’ve forgotten who you are



Vic is a warm and wise coach who works with you to identify the spaces in your life that could be better, before guiding you through tools, techniques and mindset shifts to help you move the needle."


With a year of pit-stop sessions, app support, email check-ins and practical resources, you’ll build a clear roadmap for how you want to live your life and implement the daily actions to make it happen.


The plan begins with a two-hour intensive session and then you'll have three more, evenly spaced every four months throughout your 12-month period, to check in where life circumstances may have changed, unhelpful habits and time sucks might have begun to creep back in, or just to strengthen your focus and energy on what's most important and create more time for ease and joy. 


You’ll also receive direct daily access to me via Telegram for one week after each session for support and accountability, as well as pre-session questionnaires to make sure we make the most of our time together and post-session resources to maintain momentum and help keep you on track.

Your investment in yourself is

£66 per month for twelve months

or pay in full for £792 

What it costs...

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